
Goal 1 - To increase the number of Directors and volunteers to enable better sharing of the workload of running CAP, improving its visibility and achieving its mission.

Goal 2 – To develop a communications strategy which links all existing communications and outreach tools in a coordinated program which clearly defines CAP’s brand.

Goal 3 - To develop a membership program which will increase member engagement, and to permit a more detailed understanding of the community which CAP is reaching out to.

Goal 4 – To develop partnerships with aviation companies to help them develop their diversity and inclusion programs, advise them on LGBT issues which they experience and where we can become a valuable asset in supporting sound decisions in addressing inclusion issues.

Goal 5 – To promote the development of CAP groups in other Canadian cities, in particular Calgary and Montreal, thereby providing CAP events and support to more of our Canadian membership base.

Goal 6 - To develop a fund raising program to permit activities such as advertising, attendance at conferences or meetings, and eventually scholarships.

Goal 7 – To develop a detailed sponsorship program in readiness for outreach to aviation industry and other corporations.

Goal 8 – To offer scholarships for different fields of study in aviation.

Goal 9 – To gain registered charity status in order to be able to provide tax benefits to contributors.